PsychoticUsagi's Journal

PsychoticUsagi's Journal


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18 entries this month

00:28 May 30 2024
Times Read: 65

My closet has been thrashed... NOT by the raccoons, by my brother. And while I appreciate him making sure there were no more babies in there, it's a fucking mess. Like, I considered just walling off the entire closet, lost cause kinda mess xD But hey... maybe a good time to go through all my clothes, and get rid of a bunch of stuff... and then buy more. Bright side~
Speaking of the baby racoon stowaways... My brother, and his wife took them up to a shelter in the city this morning only to be informed that handing them over, without momma racoon, they'd be forced to kill them because they're so young. I was adamantly against ripping the family apart to begin with, but catching momma isn't as easy. I heard her in the ceiling last night, frantically trying to get back into my closet, so we're gonna have to trap her somehow. The babies are surprisingly well behaved for having never interacted with humans, they're not afraid or aggressive at all, they purr like kittens when they're handled so handing them over for a death sentence isn't an option. Apparently you're not allowed to have pet raccoons without a proper license... You can get heavily fined if anyone finds out.
IF they find out.
That's not really the issue though. They're still nursing, they're not on solid food yet so they need their momma. I have a living squirrel cage, and if we put the babies in there she might be able to fit in. Maybe... She's pretty big. I've seen her before, many times. I used to sit outside, talking to Wolfie, and she'd often times come running around the corner when the sun went down, Corndog the possum following behind. Look, I attract a lot of wildlife, finding racoon babies in my closet was just a matter of time xD




09:28 May 29 2024
Times Read: 104





23:00 May 28 2024
Times Read: 124

Around 4:30 this morning I woke up to something forcefully attempting to push my closet door open... Something strong. My dad assures me that it's just squirrels coming down from the addic. I have a little opening at the top of my closet that leads up there so it's easy to imagine a squirrel pushing that open, and there have been some in the addic. But what was pushing up against that door was no fucking squirrel... because it was nearly pushing ME back. And it sounded very, very loud and angry. So later that day I summon my brother over to take a look. After about 30 minutes he brings me a box.
Yep, definitely squirrels xD
Can I just say... my immediate thoughts was, ohmigosh so kawaii😍🦝❤️
But ya know... there's a mother racoon in the walls now. Probably more babies. And she's gonna be pissed. She was already chewing me out through the door. My brother nailed the little opening in my closet shut over with some wood, but... she's STILL in there somewhere. So that's fantastic. She obviously got into the addic via some opening so I'd like to lure her out, and reunite her with her children... somehow🤔
Everyone kept telling me to send my cat in there after it. Look... my cat, in his prime, was a world-class squirrel hunter, I used to find piles of them hidden in the back yard. But a full sized, angry momma raccoon? At his age? Fuck that.
Those babies though💗




07:10 May 28 2024
Times Read: 153





08:05 May 27 2024
Times Read: 196





00:14 May 26 2024
Times Read: 297

A personification of me...
Happy fluffy bunnies... and Slipknot xD
I'm trying to decide if I want to redo my hair or let it fade... Because I'm going on vacation in a month, and I'll be in the water a ton, and red dye bleeds A LOT. I don't think I ever mentioned that this hairdye is from Killstar. And it's a gorgeous dye, I dyed it almost a month ago, and it's still pretty vibrant. But, like all red dye, it bleeds and bleeds. You can see it's even bled into the blonde half. I tried my best to keep them separated by washing one half, then the other, but obviously it won't stay perfect forever. That's the main tedious part of having dual-colored hair, especially when one half is blonde, keeping the blonde, blonde. I really love the half and half, like when I first dyed it I just had this overwhelming feeling of, yeah, this is right. But ya know... taking red hair dye into the water, tends to end up all over you. I let my two oldest nieces have a bottle of it over the weekend because they both decided to go red... And that dye was ALL OVER the bathroom. On the fucking ceiling. Tell me how that even happens. Pro-tip, shaving cream + dish soap, works wonders~




10:22 May 24 2024
Times Read: 348

When a five year old has you locked into an introspective conversation... you bring out the big cookies~
The kids are here after a tragic accident... My sister-in-law's brother took a tree to the face. My response to that? Good. Nature is truly a magnificent force. Cause this motherfucker put his hand down my 12 year old niece's pants, but then passed it off as a joke. Sure, sure... while we're joking, let me take this sledgehammer to your fucking temple. Just as a joke! Cone on, don't be so sensitive...
Lucky for me, the tree did an excellent job of literally splitting his face in two. He's not dead... But that's an extensive surgery. So... we'll see. In any case, another one of my enemies rightfully smited. Smote? Smoted? Smoten? First, my former place of employment crashes and burns after a freak lightning storm. Then my brother's mother-in-law has a heart attack, she's an evil old hag so don't question it. Now his brother-in-law is literally split-faced. Who's next? Oh, we've got bigger game😈




23:56 May 19 2024
Times Read: 459

I had to~
Because dragons and flowers🧡




05:18 May 17 2024
Times Read: 668





21:13 May 12 2024
Times Read: 723

He's a handsome boy in his dino shirt~



05:03 May 20 2024

He is absolutely adorable!


07:26 May 12 2024
Times Read: 770

No action tonight at the lake... A little bit of drama. I was there sitting on the shore with my mom, sister, oldest niece and oldest nephew. These two kids, probably 10-12 years old, walk by, and they're barking at us. So my niece told them to shut up. And I told her to shut up, and stop mouthing xD So I thought it was settled. Ten minutes later here comes some middle-aged, fatass bitch waddling over, and she looks at my niece, and says, "Hey, could you guys not fucking talk to my kids like that?"
Oh no...
See, it would later be said by both my nephew, and my sister that they were going to clap back at this hag. But I opened my mouth first. Because... well, I'm me. I may be the balanced, peace, love and fucks for all Libra, but I'm also part Aries, and the Aries in me will rip your throat out faster than you can respond. And I felt like I was particularly restrained when I told her that if she kept her dogs of children properly leashed, they wouldn't be out barking at strangers, disturbing everyone around them. YOUR fucking kids are the problem so YOU can haul ass on outta here. What really got me was that she came up aggressive on my niece, a 12 year old, ALSO A CHILD. I could understand if I was mouthing at your kid then you being pissed off about it, but it's one kid to another, and YOUR kids initiated it. And when I informed her of this she just huffed, "Yeah, whatever," um, no hoe, not whatever, you fucking come at a 12 year old with that energy, you come at my fucking niece like you're gonna do something, ok, let's do it. But nah. She jumped in her car real quick, and sped out, all to my aggressively flipping her off. Fuck you. It's just so unnecessary. I went to the lake to enjoy the sky, and nature, and your hoebag ass ruins my fucking night, and I don't even get a swing in. And apparently this dumbass reported us to the police, saying a group of rough teenagers were harassing her kids at the lake xD What a bitchass move. But the cops came to the lake, and asked everyone if we'd seen a group of teenagers there... Nope, can't say I have. I mean, my nephew is 14, but I would hardly call him a group. That's a fucking compliment to me, thinking I'm young enough looking to be a fucking teenager, not all of us look like used-up, worn-out, middle-aged dishrags who have eaten twice their weight at every buffet in the country. Redneck, white-trash, inbred fuck. Gonna learn real quick why they call me Psycho.
It's especially funny because I'm like 5ft, 120-something, I'm so tiny, but I'm so full of fury xD You know it's bad when my father, the former marine, regularly tells me that I'm too aggressive, that I need to tone it down. Look, I'm not aggressive, I'm territorial, when you come after mine, ESPECIALLY A 12 YEAR OLD CHILD, you come to me, and you're not gonna like it. I handled mine, I corrected mine, maybe you need to put yours in a fucking cage if they wanna run around acting like animals. Of course, I didn't specifically express that, unlike her I didn't want to use profanity in front of said children. I also didn't want to rip their mother in half in front of them. I felt like I was very reasonable considering, but that's just me.
Like, I'm not sure what she thought the cops were going to arrest us for? Whatever was said between my niece, and this other child is between children. Her aggressively, threatening approaching my niece is a completely different story, she's in the fucking wrong, but she didn't stick around for that, she bitched out. I love people who try to put shit on you when they're in the wrong. I'm surprised she didn't call the police right there, screaming that she was being attacked. Classic Karen.




10:24 May 11 2024
Times Read: 812

I hate the cone... I just can't bear to see him miserable. Seeing my cat in distress puts me majorly in distress. So I crafted him a little stocking which seems to be working. The issue is, his wound gets so much better, and then suddenly he licks it wide open again. The vet says to keep him coned, and keep the wound covered. See, I tried that, but whenever I went to change his bandage, it was just covered in puss, covering it seemed to be making it more infected. So I took everything off, and just let him be, he's a cat, it's nature, surely he has instincts to take care of himself. And it looked like it was working, he was much better yesterday. Then I wake up this morning, he's limping around again, and his leg is licked raw. So I've got this stocking on him until I can find him a long-sleeved shirt or something. Just something breathable to cover his leg, maybe if it gets fully healed he'll stop licking it. I think he's already feeling better than he was yesterday, when I went downstairs to check on him before I went to bed he was all purrs so I know it's not bugging him too much. Another thing with the cone... that little sucker kept managing to take it off. I would put it on him, and he'd run over to a specific spot on the floor, roll over onto his back, and using his hind legs he popped it right off like four times. I just didn't have the heart to keep making it tighter around his throat. He's too smart a kitty for his own good. The look on his face tells me he's plotting my demise for the many humiliations he's suffered xD I only want to take care of you, stop making it so difficult. He does like gently give me little warning bites when I'm hurting him, and he growled at me for the first time ever a few days ago when I was trying to bandage him... Absolutely broke my heart.




04:03 May 11 2024
Times Read: 842

It's a beautiful night for auroras~



08:05 May 11 2024

Beautiful! I managed some pics myself.


10:47 May 08 2024
Times Read: 883





09:56 May 05 2024
Times Read: 930

New outfit from Killstar~
I saw the demons on the ass, and I just knew🖤



19:06 May 05 2024



23:37 May 04 2024
Times Read: 958

So it's come to this...
The humiliation.
Turns out, he was bitten by a snake. And the wound healed up perfectly until he licked it back open. So now he gets the cone of shame.




09:04 May 04 2024
Times Read: 990





01:43 May 02 2024
Times Read: 1,030

Favorite Libra things: Winning Arguments, clothes and sugar xD
I mean, yeah, absolutely.



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